Share the Gospel


Today, tragedy is all over America and that tragedy has affected and will continue to affect our lives. As Christians, we can either continually complain, stay quiet, or share the solution.

After being brutally arrested, going through a shame trial, and being thrown into a Roman prison, Paul wrote in Philippians 1:12-14, “I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel! So that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.” Instead of viewing his chains as the insufferable symbols of defeat, Paul saw them as divine keys that opened yet another door to sharing the gospel.  Through his tragic imprisonment he was able to share the good news of Jesus with the entire imperial guard and to all the rest (fellow prisoners, people he is writing letters to).  During tragedy Paul knew what everyone needed, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he shared it. 

Today, if you are a believer, you have the solution to the tragedies of this world.  You have the solution to death.  You have the solution to the despair that job loss and isolation bring.  You have the solution to racism and sinful looting, burning of businesses and blind cop hatred.  The solution is the Gospel.  When one hears and believes the Gospel they are born again.  They are remade.  They are infused with the Holy Spirit and begin to bear the fruit of the Spirit. 

Today I encourage you.  Do not succumb to complaining.  Do not let fear silence you.  As Paul shared the solution amidst His tragedy and lives were eternally changed, share the solution.  Tell others who are going through and seeing the same things you are about the unconquerable, life-giving hope you have in Jesus Christ.   

Pastor John

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Pastor John Wright

Pastor John Wright

Pastor John holds a Master’s of Theology (ThM.) from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been serving in full-time pastoral ministry for 12 years. John is passionate about declaring the truth of the Gospel and leading people in their knowledge, understanding and application of God's Word.