Be Encouraged
Do you know about Hannah’s smile?
At the beginning of 1 Samuel, Elkanah’s wife, Hannah, was brokenhearted. She wanted kids but was barren. To make matters worse Peninnah (who was also Elkanah’s wife) had kids and “provoked her severely, to make her miserable, because the LORD had closed her womb” (1 Sam. 1:6). Moreover, Elkanah’s attempt to comfort Hannah was ignorant,…
Read MoreThought Life
I’d like to challenge you with this question. What are you delighting in? Your delight is what you think about. If you are constantly belittling someone else in your mind, then their destruction has become your sinful delight. If you find yourself repeating past hurts or regularly assuming foul play often, then bitterness is your…
Read MoreAccess the Power to Face Your Daily Enemies
If you are a Christian, you are under attack. Satan, demons, the pagan world, and your sinful flesh are incessantly out to deceive and destroy you. To make matters worse, the size of a Christian’s spiritual muscles are smaller than a scrawny toddler’s. But despite the Christian’s personal pathetic weakness, they have access to unparalleled…
Read MorePanic Is For Pagans
The reasons to panic are everywhere. On a national scale division is palpable, inflation is hurting, sin is brazenly celebrated, and according to the most recent Gallup poll church attendance is at 31% (Note: that 31% includes all the false religions that call themselves “churches” as well). That’s 4% lower than 2020 and it keeps…
Read MoreThe Grace of Heard Prayers
Today in my devotions I was in the book of Psalms and Psalm 8:1 jumped out at me. It reads,“be gracious to me and hear my prayer.” and thenPsalm 115:3 says, “Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases.” Isn’t it amazing that our God, the everlasting king and creator of the…
Read MoreThe passing of Prop 3
Yesterday, our state of Michigan had an amazing opportunity to protect and celebrate the God-given lives of children in the womb – but we missed it. Instead, we opened the door to the heinous sin of abortion and said, ”Come on in.” Prop 3 passed, and it hurts. It hurts to think about all the…
Read MoreBefore God Answers Your Prayer
Recently in Men’s Bible Study we went over the first twenty verses of 1 Samuel. The main focus of the passage was on Hannah and how in response to her grief, she took all her anxiety and vexation to God through prayer. There is something very interesting in this passage of Scripture. After Hannah prayed,…
Read MoreThis World Is Not Our Home
This illustration really struck me this week. When you have a layover at an airport, you do not go into the bathroom, get bent out of shape over the décor, and start redecorating. Why? Because you don’t live there. You are just passing through. You have a home someplace else. It would make no sense…
Read MoreDo we take prayer as seriously as we should?
We have all heard the famous words of Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty or give me death.” Those words resonate deeply with us because we grip our freedoms with resolute passion. One of the many reasons the pandemic was so hard was because many felt like their freedoms were being snatched away. America was founded…
Read MoreSin and Cleansing
The Disgustingness Of Sin Two weeks ago, I got this text from my wife: But when I got home, the house was cleaned with not a hint of throw up anywhere. To top it off, upon completion of her cleaning, Kimberly didn’t say another word of complaint about how disgusting it was and all the…
Read MoreHow To Deal With Your Junk
My garage is an absolute mess right now and, honestly, I don’t want to deal with it. There is so much junk that finding a place for everything to fit seems overwhelming. Like my garage, we humans constantly accumulate junk in our lives. Junk like grief, depression, aimlessness, shame are constantly threatening to fill up…
Read MoreOur Response to the Roe v. Wade Decision
This past Friday (June 24, 2022) in a long awaited and faithfully prayed over moment in American history, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Though this does not make abortion illegal, it has given each state the ability to determine what their abortion laws will be and whether or not the practice will be…
Read MoreWhen Trials & Enemies are Crushing
It may be a new year, but my trials, temptations, inadequacies, and enemies didn’t get the memo. They are just as eager to grip and rip me apart as before. For the past several weeks I have been battling with despair. Incessant visions of the worst possible outcome in every situation have plagued my mind. …
Read MorePray over the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Case
In 1973 Roe v. Wade forced every state to legalize abortion up to “viability” at 28 weeks. In the same vein some states have legalized abortion up to birth. As a result, more than 62 million babies have been aborted in the U.S. alone. That is disgusting. In Exodus 21 God prescribed the death penalty…
Read MoreCast all your cares upon Him
1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.” That is my favorite verse. And that’s probably why “All Your Anxiety” is one of my favorite hymns. The hymn reads as follows: (Verse 1) -Is there a heart o’erbound by sorrow? Is there a life weighed down by care?…
Read MoreThe Cost of Following Jesus
We live in a world that is consumed with safety. Many have said, and I am in full agreement, that safety has become the most prevalent god of this world. “Safety First” is the world’s slogan. And there is little (even within the church), if any, push back on this. In fact, if you do…
Read MoreWe Were Made For This
“We were made for this!”. Have you ever heard someone say that? Have you ever said it yourself? When I was a teacher, my fellow colleagues used to say it all the time. When money was tight, when the students were acting like demons, when the staff meetings were going long – that statement would…
Read MoreTeams for the Gospel
This past Sunday, we started our Six Week Tract Challenge. For the next six weeks we will be giving a different tract to everyone in the bulletin (If you are not able to come to service or you want more you can get them during the week in the church foyer or office). And the challenge is…
Read MoreWant Joy?
Right now, there are so many things vying for our attention and time that are both frustrating and depressing. COVID-19 fears and regulations are still lingering around like an annoying pest. The racial tension is high. Anarchy is being celebrated. And then there is the daily normal grind. But today, I want to tell you…
Read MoreShare the Gospel
Today, tragedy is all over America and that tragedy has affected and will continue to affect our lives. As Christians, we can either continually complain, stay quiet, or share the solution. After being brutally arrested, going through a shame trial, and being thrown into a Roman prison, Paul wrote in Philippians 1:12-14, “I want you…
Read MoreWhat is the Biblical Response to George Floyd’s death?
The Bible is very clear on four points. One, we should “mourn with those who mourn (Romans 12:15). George Floyd’s family should be on our hearts and we should make every effort to help as we would for anyone who loses a loved one. Two, we should seek justice. Zechariah 7:9 says, “This is what the LORD…
Read MoreHope is essential.
Think about life without it. Nothing to look forward to. No fun dreams about planting your garden and enjoying the sweet produce from it. Being stuck in winter, never knowing the summer rays. This Covid-19 shutdown forever keeping schools and small businesses closed and church forever online. Hope is an essential ingredient for every aspect…
Read MoreMemorial Day 2020
For Christians, the day serves as a vivid reminder of the ultimate sacrifice that was paid for our spiritual freedom- that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, willingly bore our sins on the cross so that all who believe in Him might be reconciled to Him and have eternal life.This Memorial Day as we remember…
Read MoreThe Light
I was sitting in my living room looking out my bay window. The sun was shining through the bottom part of the window, and I couldn’t help noticing how dirty the window was where the sun was shining through. I could barely see outside the window. However, the areas of the window where the sunlight did…
Read MoreDoing what’s right in difficult times
On Saturday, a group of about a dozen men and women from FBC came together to help Doug and Kathy June move into their new home. We prayed, worked, and ate together. What became apparent to me as the day went on is how much I’ve missed being in fellowship with other believers. Yes, there…
Read MoreFolly is bound up in the heart of a child
Proverbs 22:15 says, “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from Him” (cf. Pro. 13:24, 23:14, 29:15). Have you ever had to teach your children to whine, complain, disobey or act selfishly? Ofcourse not – it comes naturally. Proverbs 22:15 says the source of…
Read MoreWhat are you going to do with your disaster?
In John 9 the disciples of Jesus saw a man blind from birth. They asked Jesus, “Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind.” The disciples assumed the man’s blindness was directly related to sin. Why did they think that way? Because sin does bring disaster. When you tell a…
Read MoreBlessings
Good Morning Everyone, I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. In our world today with the internet we have access to all kinds of information. It can get confusing sometimes. How do we know what is true? In this world, things are changing all the time. It is so easy to…
Read MorePraying in Hard Times
About a year ago when I seriously started exploring becoming an elder, I never expected to be involved in the details of doing church during a pandemic. Trying to reconcile scriptures dealing with submission to authority (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2) with those scriptures calling for collective and corporate worship (Hebrews 10:24-25) have led…
Read MoreDo I Have Enough?
Do I have enough toilet paper, hand sanitizer, food, and money in the bank to get through this shutdown? Do I have enough patience to keep from losing my temper or complaining? Do I have enough love to keep from becoming self-consumed and keep my eye on helping others? Do I have enough drive to…
Read MoreGreetings
Like many of you, I’ve been working from home for several weeks. Much of my day is made up of meetings, currently being conducted online via Zoom or other video meeting applications. My calendar is set up to notify me 5 minutes before the start of each meeting. At that time, I log in to…
Read MoreWhy God?
I ask/tell/yell that question frequently. I’ve asked it in anger due to writhing heart and physical pain. I have asked it with disgust as I’ve driven through third world regions ravaged with malnutrition and joblessness. I’ve asked it when my motivation has hit rock bottom. And like an inquisitive child asking their parent…
Read MoreBasics
As some of you know, I’ve made a career out of working with computers. Starting in the early 1980’s, I’ve worked in many different areas of the industry, but for the most part, I’ve always returned to hardware support. One of the main things I’ve learned is that if you don’t know the basics, dealing…
Read MoreNeeding Wisdom
I need wisdom! Wisdom is the ability to discern and apply truth in a constructive way and I need it. I need wisdom for marriage, parenting, friendships, and work. And I need wisdom concerning God’s Word, fighting sin, sharing Christ and getting through this pandemic. No matter our age, experiences or knowledge level we all…
Read MoreSpeak Life
Have ever been so embarrassed you wanted to put a bag over your head, or curl up and die? Eight years ago, I oversaw the game station at a Vacation Bible School. And the game we played and the lesson I gave one day ended early and we had a few minutes to spare. So,…
Read MoreBe Humble and Pray
“Mike Pence mocked for praying with coronavirus task force at White House” It should come as no surprise to us as Christian that the world around us is unable to understand our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We know we’re not immune to the trials of the world but we are equipped to face them.…
Read MoreOur plans, God’s plans
When I woke up on Monday, I had a plan. I was going to get to the office early, have my devotions, finish this article by 7 a.m. and get an early start on writing the Mid-Week Boost and my Sunday sermon. Well, I got to the office early, but I forgot my computer at…
Read MoreI Am With You
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases predicts 100,000-200,000 deaths from the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S. Tim Johnson, Eaton Rapids Medical Center President & CEO on March 18th in a letter to the community stated that they have two confirmed positive cases at the local hospital and…
Read MoreThis is getting out of control…
This is getting out of control… Mark 4:35-41“And they woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’” ~ Mark 4:38bMark 4:35-41 is a passage that many of us have heard time and again. The disciples, upwards of 70, get into multiple boats and begin to cross the Sea…
Read MoreIs this ever going to end?
IS THIS EVER GOING TO END? Sometimes, no matter how much we try, it can feel like we are just grinding through a certain issue and always will. Is the grief of losing my parents, a spouse, or my child ever going to subside? Am I ever going to be victorious over my struggle with…
Read MoreIf I just had more money
The corona virus is making the financial markets go haywire, keeping millions from going to work, and throwing once certain retirement plans into serious question. In the past, many laughed at the words of Proverbs 23:5: “For riches certainly make themselves wings; They fly away like an eagle toward heaven” (NKJV). But they’re not…
Read MoreShowing Up
WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FLAKE? Have you ever thought that? Maybe someone has forgotten to meet you. Maybe someone promised they would come support you and never showed. Maybe you’ve been that person. It is such an awful feeling when you know you have to do something or be somewhere and don’t remember until…
Read MoreHope When Things Seem Hopeless
Hope is a vital ingredient. Imagine if you had no hope that this corona virus craziness would ever end. Imagine being laid off from your job with no hope of ever being hired back. Imagine trying to pour years of wisdom into your grandkids lives with no hope that they would ever grasp or understand,…
Read MoreNeed Refreshment?
Passage: Proverbs 3:7-8 At Man Camp we did a polar plunge into the icy lake and it was freezing. But wow, it zapped the tired right out of me. For a few hours I felt so refreshed. In Proverbs 3:8 it says, “It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones,” and…
Read MoreThings just keep getting worse and worse
Things just keep getting worse and worse. Have you ever thought that before? I was a junior high teacher for four years and one of my fellow teachers (who had been teaching for thirty years and wasn’t bitter) told me that her worst behaved student thirty years ago was comparable to her best-behaved student today. …
Read MoreThe Source of True Wisdom
I want wisdom!! This is a constant prayer of mine. I want wisdom in raising my kids, being a husband, friend, and pastor. I want wisdom concerning God’s Word, fighting sin, and making choices. No matter our age, experiences, or knowledge we all need wisdom. Even in the things we know best or better than…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Feb. 27th, 2017
Serve with your words! So often when I think of serving God in a great way I think of going on a dangerous mission’s trip, preaching till I faint, or eradicating the financial burdens of others until I am financially burdened myself. I think in very radical terms and there is nothing wrong with that. …
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Feb. 20th, 2017
AM I EVER GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS? Sometimes, no matter how much we try, it can feel like we are just grinding through life and always will. Like that good string of days, months or even a couple year’s is never going to come. It’s just always going to be miserable. If anyone ever…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Jan. 30th, 2017
WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FLAKE? Have you ever thought that? Maybe someone has forgotten about a meeting with you. Maybe someone promised they would come support you and never showed. We’ve all been there. And dare I say, we’ve all been a flake at some point. It is such an awful feeling when you…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Jan. 16th, 2017
The prevalence of sexual sin in our culture today is off the charts. You can’t even go on a general news website without some sexually charged article being thrust into your face. It saturates the television and is beyond easy to access in this technologically driven world. And what’s worse than its prevalence is its…
Read MoreThe True Source of Happiness
IT’S NO SECRET! We all tend to want more out of life. That feeling of “lack” can be so depressing. We can go on Facebook or any other social media source, scroll down the memories of others, and feel like we are missing out on so much everyone else seems to have plenty of. And…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Dec. 27th, 2016
2017 IS ALMOST HERE!! As the new year approaches I usually make a list of all the things I would like to accomplish. Yeah, I am one of those people. I love to set goals and go for it. And no, I am usually not one of those people who say they are going to…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Dec. 16th, 2016
What determines whether or not a person is valuable. Is it physical beauty or ability? Is it a bank number or assets? Is it a specific personality or quirk? Is it who they know or what they know? Why should we care for other individuals or look at ourselves and never see ourselves as worthless…
Read MoreThe source of strength and encouragement
What is your “go to place?” You know that place where you can blow off steam, think clearly, or just slow down, breadth and take in the joy of life. For some its taking a walk or a trip to the gym or a vacation spot. For others, it’s a great read or a favorite…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – November 22nd, 2016
Hope is a vital ingredient for a worthwhile life. Just stop and think about life if there was no hope, nothing to look forward to. Imagine being in school with no hope that the lunch or final bell would finally ring. Imagine having a child with no hope that changing diapers stage would ever end.…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – November 16th, 2016
IT’S PAYDAY! Growing up this meant food was in the refrigerator again, there were snacks in the cupboards and either pizza was for dinner or ice cream was for dessert. Payday is almost always a good day except when you get less than what you were expecting or have outstanding bills that suck you dry…
Read MoreA Fear Based Culture
Our culture is saturated with fear. Fear or what our government is going to do to this country. Fear of what people think of us. Fear of what man can do to us. Proverbs 29:25a says, “The fear of man brings a snare.” That is so true. It brings needless worry, sleepless nights, terrible…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – November 1st, 2016
I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! I say this so often. Whether it’s in how to raise my kids, be a good husband, do my job, deal with family issues or be a good witness life is a challenge. And right when I think I’ve got it all figured out life pops my prideful bubble…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – October 25th, 2016
Whether you’re being disciplined or you have to discipline someone, it is difficult. Even when you deserve it or know its right to give it discipline isn’t easy. Every time my three-year-old son, John, misbehaves he either gives me the sweetest smile or throws in that sad lower lip and makes it so difficult. I…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – October 3rd, 2016
Have you ever just wanted to put a bag over your head you were so embarrassed? Whether it’s from tripping over myself, failing at a sports event, or stumbling over my words, I have embarrassed myself more times than I can count. By far, however, the moments that have been the most embarrassing is when…
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