Right now, there are so many things vying for our attention and time that are both frustrating and depressing. COVID-19 fears and regulations are still lingering around like an annoying pest. The racial tension is high. Anarchy is being celebrated. And then there is the daily normal grind.
But today, I want to tell you about something that brought me so much joy. Today, like Brad and I get to do almost every Tuesday, we shared the Gospel. How? Very simply. We went door to door putting Gospel tracks on people’s doors. We’ve done this in Eaton Rapids, Charlotte, Dimondale, and today we got to do it in South Lansing. We got to enjoy the beautiful weather. We got to hang out with each other and talk about what God was doing in the world, in our lives, and we got to encourage each other.
We got to love others by giving people the Gospel (the ONLY eternal hope there is)! And we got to do what God did and what He told us to do – share His good news! And let me tell you, it WAS and IS JOY!
Today, in Luke 19:1-10, I got to read how Jesus shared the Gospel with Zacchaeus. As I read it, I was struck by the joy that not only Zacchaeus experienced, but the joy Jesus must have experienced. Just picture being Jesus and calling out to one of the most hated people in town, loving them, sharing the good news with them, and seeing them transform right before your eyes. WHAT A JOY!
I have always read and quoted Luke 19:10 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost,” with myself in mind. How does it make me, the receiver of Jesus’ love, feel? It makes me feel phenomenal.
But today I have been reminded of how Jesus felt as he shared the good news and saw it’s transforming power. Full of joy! I don’t think Jesus tells us to witness because he wants us to be burdened with yet another joy-sucking task. He knows we get enough of that from the world. No, I think He asks us to witness like He did because He wants us to share in the joy of not only receiving the gospel but sharing it.
Today, be encouraged. God wants you to share the Gospel and experience joy and His joy is far better than anything this world can give you.
– Pastor John