Our desire at First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids is to come alongside parents as they seek to introduce, train and disciple their children in the Lord.

Sunday School Hour (9:30am)

Babies-PreK Sunday School
(Newborn to 5yo)

In the babies and toddlers Sunday School we expose children to scripture memory and praise songs and include a time of play and crafts. Pick up is at 10:30am whenever parents get out of the Adult Sunday School class.

Children's Sunday School
(Kinder - 6th)

Begins at 9:30am. Children are encouraged to bring their Bible every week as they will be looking at different passages of scripture in fun, interactive lessons. The curriculum being used in this class is from Generations of Grace. Pick up is at 10:30am so children can worship alongside their parents in Worship Service.

Worship Service (10:45am)

We believe there is great value in having all ages worshipping together and incorporated into the main worship service. We believe having children participate in the worship service better contributes to their spiritual development & helps teach them of the sanctity and priority of corporate worship. Below is more information about our children's ministry & how we seek to come alongside parents in their pursuit to train & disciple their children in the service.

*For more on this topic we recommend the following articles:
Should Children Sit Through "Big Church" & The Family: Together in God’s Presence 


0 - 2 years old

The nursery is open during the preaching portion of the Sunday worship service. Parents are welcome to drop their babies off with our volunteers at any point during the sermon or if moms would like to come in and nurse or let their young ones crawl around, there is a large screen TV set up so they can do so and still hear the message being preached.

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Reformed Church near lansing

Junior Church (PreK-Kinder)

3 years old - 6 years old

A Junior Church is provided for children ages 3-6 years old during the preaching portion of the Sunday worship service (children are dismissed at the start of the sermon). It is up to each family whether they choose to take advantage of this ministry or keep their children with them during the sermon. Children are taught God's Word from the Bible with curriculum from Answers in Genesis as a helpful guide.

Kids in Worship Service

1st - 6th grade

In an effort to come alongside parents in their commitment to training and discipling their children through worship service, our Pastor creates a "Kid's Sermon Notes" sheet that helps the children follow along and engage with the sermon he has prepared. At the end of the service, children can line up at the front to show their notes and receive a little prize.

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"Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." - Matthew 10:17

Keeping Kids Safe

Junior Youth Group (Sunday Nights)

Junior Youth Group is for kids  ages 9 -12yrs old. We meet at FBC on Sundays from 6:30-8pm throughout the school year.

Meetings start off with

  • a short game to break the ice,
  • then a time of prayer for one another,
  • followed by a time of praising the Lord through song,
  • then studying God's Word together
  • Then serving together in some aspect of ministry.

Please email [email protected] with any questions you might have or if you have a child you'd like to get involved!