Welcome! Below you will find a little more information in regards to time frames and what you can expect during our typical Sunday Morning worship and mid-week gatherings. We hope you will join us!
Sunday School | 9:30am - 10:30am
Sunday School hour is a time for us to fellowship and learn together in a more intimate and conversational setting. There is an Adult Sunday School class where we study biblical doctrine and other biblical topics, a Youth Sunday School class (which is often in tandem with the adult class) as well as classes for children of all ages.
Worship Service | 10:45am - 12pm
Sunday morning Worship Service is the highlight of our week. It's a beautiful time in which all ages gather together to worship God through singing, praying, giving and Biblically sound preaching. Instruction from God's word is the heart of FBC. Scripture is taught systematically and expositionally (verse by verse) in anticipation that God will use His word to identify and transform His people.
Cookie Time | after service
After service we have "Cookie Time" in the Fellowship Hall. This is just our informal way of encouraging everyone to stick around, talk and get to know/catch up with church family.
Getting involved throughout the week
Our gathering together doesn't end on Sunday Morning. The Lord wants us to experience the joy and blessing of deep & edifying relationships with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and in order for that to happen - we have to also be meeting together outside of Sunday mornings.
The ministries that take place at FBC give us opportunity to be discipled, experience fellowship and serve one another throughout the week as we grow together in our common commitment to our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Check out our Ministries and Calendar pages for news and info on how to get involved and start connecting.
Quick Answers To Common Questions
We encourage families to worship together with the church body during our main worship service at 10:45am. Here's what you can expect while you attend service with your children...
- Children nursery age to Kindergarten start off in service with their parents and participate in prayer and singing. A nursery and "Kid's Church" is then made available during the sermon for kids nursery age to Kindergarten. Kid's are dismissed from service at the start of the sermon and parents interested in having their kids participate are invited to walk over. During their time in the classroom, children are challenged and taught to listen attentively to the teaching of God's Word as they take part in a lesson specific to their age group.
- For children 1st grade and above - Our pastor creates "Kid's Sermon Notes" each week for the children to follow the outline of his sermon. The notes have special fill in the blank spots that are highlighted in the sermon PowerPoint on the large screen. Children can pick up a clipboard and pencil case in the foyer, follow along with the sermon and then at the end of service line up at the front to receive a prize for their completed notes.
At 9:30am we have Sunday School hour with smaller age-specific classes. Please check out our Kid's Ministry page for more information about our Sunday School!
Whether, you are just exploring the teachings of the Bible or are a seasoned Christian, we invite you to join us on a Sunday Morning for Worship Service so we can meet you in person and talk with you more. From there we will share and invite you into our various ministries so you can connect with people throughout the week, not just on Sunday morning. We can't wait to meet you.
Let us know you are coming!
We'd love to be able to keep an eye out & prepare a special gift for you introducing you to our congregation!