The Youth Ministry of First Baptist Church in Eaton Rapids
Parents have a tremendous responsibility to teach and raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Scripture is clear that parents are primarily responsible for the discipleship of their children, however this does not mean that we as a church body don't have a role to play. The goal of the FBC Youth Ministry is to be a helping hand to parents and one more avenue of pointing their youth to Christ.
The Sunday Evening Youth Ministry groups are divided by age into 2 different groups:
Junior Youth Group - ages 10-12yrs old meets at the home of Pastor John and Kimberly Wright, Sundays from 6:30-8pm
Senior Youth Group - ages 13-18yrs old meets at the home of Dewayne and Christina Yoder, Sundays from 6:30-8pm
Our meetings start off with
- a short game to break the ice,
- then a time of prayer for one another,
- followed by a time of praising the Lord through song,
- then studying God's Word together
- Then serving together in some aspect of ministry.
Sunday Morning Meetings
The Youth Sunday School is for ages 13 and up and meets most Sunday morning from 9:30-10:30am in the Youth Room for prayer, study and discussion. Often times the youth are combined with the adults during special Sunday School series we feel all ages would benefit from.
*Youth are always encouraged and expected to attend Worship Service at 10:45am on Sundays where they can worship God together with the church body as Scripture prescribes. Our youth ministry is never intended to be a substitute for Sunday Morning worship, rather a helpful addition.
For more information about the youth group and information on how to get involved, please email