Panic Is For Pagans

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The reasons to panic are everywhere.  On a national scale division is palpable, inflation is hurting, sin is brazenly celebrated, and according to the most recent Gallup poll church attendance is at 31% (Note: that 31% includes all the false religions that call themselves “churches” as well).  That’s 4% lower than 2020 and it keeps going down. 

On a more personal note, it’s September!  It’s that time of year when everything starts back up again.  School, church ministries, sports and more are all on the move! This can be exciting on one hand, but on the other it can get overwhelming very fast.  Then there’s all the family and personal sin and physical battles that can seem so unconquerable.  There are reasons to panic.

But Praise God, He has not given Christians a spirit of panic.  No, every believer is indwelt by the Holy Spirit that gives us power, love and a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7)!  Pagans have every reason to panic.  Not only for the reasons listed above, but because they have no eternal hope.  Unless they repent and trust in Christ they are sinful enemies of God and headed towards the eternal lake of fire.  But believers have no reason to panic.  They have eternal hope in Christ.  Heaven is their future.  And until heaven they have God the Holy Spirit in them to help them to face every situation with power, love and a sound mind.

What is one way to suppress the urge to panic with the pagans and instead cultivate the power, love and a sound mind we have in Christ?  It is simple.  To cultivate power

James 5:16 says, “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

To cultivate love we pray as Paul prayed in 1 Thessalonians 3:12, for ourselves and fellow believers to “abound in love.”  To cultivate the sound mind we have in Christ

Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made know to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christs Jesus.”

Brothers and Sisters in Christ do not panic.  That is for pagans.  You are holy.  You are indwelt with the Spirit who gives you power, love and a sound mind.  Pray that you will embrace this truth and live it out.

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Pastor John Wright

Pastor John Wright

Pastor John holds a Master’s of Theology (ThM.) from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been serving in full-time pastoral ministry for 12 years. John is passionate about declaring the truth of the Gospel and leading people in their knowledge, understanding and application of God's Word.