Taking a Stand on Biblical Sexuality

bible handing

Just a few days ago, on January 8, 2022, Royal Assent was given to Bill C-4 in Canada.  That means Bill-C-4, which was passed unanimously by the Canadian House and Senate, became law.  The language of the law seems purposefully broad leading many to believe this is opportunity for Canadian courts to declare that preaching, teaching, counseling, or attempting to lead a person to Christ and out of a lifestyle of homosexuality, transgenderism, or any other sinful variation thereof while promoting God’s design for marriage and sexuality could be a prosecutable offense resulting in up to 5 years in prison. 

In light of this a group of Canadian pastors have decided to take a stand regardless of the cost.  This Sunday January 16, 2022, they are going to preach what the Bible has to say about sexuality.   And they have called on others in America to stand with them.  This following link is a sample and deeper explanation of that call. https://www.gracechurch.org/news/posts/2307

In response, the elders of FBC have decided to take a stand with our fellow Christians in Canada.  We will do this through a designated time of prayer and preaching on the topic. 

In the meantime, please pray for three things.  One, pray for all of those in Canada who are going to take a stand for God’s truth.  Pray for humility and boldness.  Two, pray for the Gospel to run rampant.  Pray that through this bold stand for God’s truth people may hear the gospel of Jesus and be forever saved.   Three, pray for our humility and boldness.  This fight is happening within a couple hours drive of our town.  The cost of making a bold stand for Christ on this issue is getting greater and greater and we need to stand firm.

For more on this topic see Sunday’s sermon “Conversion Sunday”

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Pastor John Wright

Pastor John Wright

Pastor John holds a Master’s of Theology (ThM.) from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been serving in full-time pastoral ministry for 12 years. John is passionate about declaring the truth of the Gospel and leading people in their knowledge, understanding and application of God's Word.