This past Friday (June 24, 2022) in a long awaited and faithfully prayed over moment in American history, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Though this does not make abortion illegal, it has given each state the ability to determine what their abortion laws will be and whether or not the practice will be permitted in their state. Many states had laws prior to Roe v. Wade that limited or made abortion illegal and now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned those laws have been reinstated and other states are expected to follow suit in limiting the practice.
So, with all that being said – how should we as Christians respond to this landmark decision?
First, thankful praise needs to fill the room! God, in His amazing grace, has blessed us. For years Christians around the globe have watched in agony and prayed with fervency for this practice to end. Over 60 million babies over the past 50 years have been slaughtered via abortion in the United States alone. Women have suffered the sadness and guilt of this state-approved and socially encouraged sin while a multitude of families have missed out on the blessing of life. In short, this heinous sin has been used by Satan to further the divide between people and God. But, through the Supreme Court’s recent decision, God has given the United States an opportunity to forsake this godless practice and celebrate the life He creates. Personally, I never thought this day would happen, but God is so much bigger than we could ever think or imagine. Today, praise God for this amazing blessing to our country.
Our second response to this decision needs to be to help. As Christians, we hate the sin of abortion. We fervently preach and pray against it and now (to a degree) our prayers have been answered. So the important question is – what are we going to do in response? Unwanted pregnancies are still going to happen, expectant mothers are still going to need counsel and/or financial support, and the need for foster parents and private adoptions is most likely going to grow exceedingly.
As Christians, we can’t just sit back and say we hate abortion yet do nothing for those who are struggling. We must both preach Jesus and follow His example. Jesus came to love, He came to serve, and He came to help us in our need. As Christ followers we must seek to follow His example and so bring glory to God our father in Heaven by caring for the “orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27.
Today, we should celebrate the Supreme Court’s decision, and in that celebration we need to think more seriously about how the Lord through this is calling us personally to serve the orphans, widows, and struggling mothers the Lord puts in our sphere and commit to being obedient to whatever task it is He calls us to.