The passing of Prop 3

Yesterday, our state of Michigan had an amazing opportunity to protect and celebrate the God-given lives of children in the womb - but we missed it. Instead, we opened the door to the heinous sin of abortion and said, ”Come on in.”
Prop 3 passed, and it hurts. It hurts to think about all the precious babies that will be murdered. It hurts to think about all the women who will be deceived, have an abortion, and heap a mountain of guilt and pain on their souls. It hurts to think about all the would-be fathers who will never know the tremendous joy of raising their child. It hurts to think about the judgement that voters, politicians, and physicians are bringing on themselves for their slaughter of image bearers of God. It hurts to think about the box of other sins Prop 3 opens the door for.
But amidst this hurt, there is absolutely no reason for any believer to lose hope. None.
As terrible as Prop 3 is, it is nothing compared to the horror of Calvary.
At Calvary God-incarnate was abandoned, scourged, spit upon, mocked and viciously murdered despite His perfect innocence. The depth of that atrocity infinitely surpasses Prop 3.
Yet, with the matchless atrocity of Calvary, God produced matchless beauty.
Through the sacrifice of Jesus God provided eternal salvation for hopeless undeserving sinners like you and me.
Do you see? God is not defeated by the sin of man no matter how heinous, prevalent, or hurtful that sin might be. He is above the sin of man, working in ways that are beyond and better than our understanding.
Think of it this way - Pharaoh was a wicked pagan ruler that maliciously enslaved and persecuted God’s people. Yet none of His disgusting sin surprised or thwarted God’s plan.
In fact, in Exodus 9:16, God says of Pharoah,
“But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display My power to you, and that My name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”
And that is exactly what happened. Through 10 plagues God displayed His power, His fame spread throughout the earth, and the people of God were blessed.
Yes, it is appropriate to be hurt by and grieve sin. God grieves over sin (Gen. 6:6; Psalm 78:40; Is. 63:10; Eph. 4:30) But it is wholly wrong to lose hope. God is greater than sin and always worthy of our hope.
Today, join Job who said to God in Job 42:2,
“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.”
God lost nothing yesterday and He is going to lose nothing in the future. Your future, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, is victory. Praise God!
Today, I encourage you to come to prayer meeting, lay your grief before God, experience His all-surpassing peace and praise God for the victorious future He has for you and all of His chosen people!