In 1973 Roe v. Wade forced every state to legalize abortion up to “viability” at 28 weeks. In the same vein some states have legalized abortion up to birth. As a result, more than 62 million babies have been aborted in the U.S. alone. That is disgusting. In Exodus 21 God prescribed the death penalty for anyone who killed a baby in the womb. He hates the selfish destruction of His image-bearers. God hates abortion.
But today, the SCOTUS will hear arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – a case regarding a Mississippi law that prohibits abortion after 15 weeks. This case not only has the potential to shrink the federally approved time to get an abortion (saving thousands of lives), but to give the states the right to create new and stricter abortion laws.
In light of this we need to pray.
First, pray for all those who have had an abortion. Pray for them to recognize and submit to Jesus Christ if they have not already, and enjoy the forgiveness and healing He has to offer.
Next, pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to go forth amongst the SCOTUS and our nation.
Third, pray that God would move in the hearts of all those serving on the SCOTUS and that they would recognize the true sinful horror of abortion and be emboldened to rule against it.
Fourth, pray for those who are Pro-Choice and are angered by this – Pray that God would first open their hearts to the Gospel of Jesus and transform them through the power of the Holy Spirit to be a people who recognize the sanctity of life and take a stand against the killing of God’s image bearers.
2 Chronicles 7:14 States “14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. “
FBC, NOW is a time for us to join together and pray. I encourage you to commit to at least daily time both individually and as apart of your family unit to praying over this pivotal decision affecting our nation and watch with prayerful anticipation to see what God has planned to do.