Things just keep getting worse and worse


Things just keep getting worse and worse.  Have you ever thought that before?  I was a junior high teacher for four years and one of my fellow teachers (who had been teaching for thirty years and wasn’t bitter) told me that her worst behaved student thirty years ago was comparable to her best-behaved student today.   That’s not a pleasant thought.  Now some may blame the newest generation for this downfall.  But before we heap all the blame on them let’s just remember who raised that generation.  Everyone shares in the blame.  This is all our problem.  And sometimes it can seem like it’s never going to improve.   But this depressing mindset is one that Christians never have to live with. Despite the current dismal climate of society, we can have genuine hope that a bright and brilliant future is in store.  Why? Because Revelation 21:5 tells us, He who was seated on the throne (our Triune God) said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”   Getting a new car is encouraging and fun, but eventually that car wears down and becomes just a car.  Getting a new set of clothes is fun but they eventually wear out and go to a garage sale or charity.  New adventures quickly become old hat.  But if we are believers in Jesus Christ we have heaven to look forward to.  A place where all will be made new and nothing wears out.  We will be with God who is infinitely interesting and awe-inspiring.  We will be without sin, death, and sadness.  Sure, this world may seem like it’s getting worse and worse but one day everything is going to be brand-spanking new, perfect, and lasting.  What a hope!  Today be encouraged.  We have hope in God!

Pastor John Wright

Pastor John Wright

Pastor John holds a Master’s of Theology (ThM.) from Dallas Theological Seminary and has been serving in full-time pastoral ministry for 12 years. John is passionate about declaring the truth of the Gospel and leading people in their knowledge, understanding and application of God's Word.