In the days when cities were walled enclosures a wise man was sitting by the main gate. A traveler came by and stopped to chat. He asked what manner of people lived in the city. The wise man answered by asking him what manner of people lived in the city he had come from. The traveler explained that they were dishonest, quarrelsome, thinking only of themselves. The wise man said such are the people of this city.
Later on, another traveler came by, stopped to chat and in time asked what manner of people lived in the city. Again, the wise man asked the traveler what manner of people lived in the city he had come from. Oh, he said, they are a loving people, full of kindness one to another, serving one another. The wise man said such are the people of this city.
How could both descriptions of the people be true? We find the answer in Philippians 2:1-5. Which man do you think was living these verses? Sometimes it is about us. Which one are you? Which one am I?
Dean Peters