Fall Marriage Summit

Fall Marriage Summit in Eaton Rapids

WHY? Marriages are under attack!  But victory is possible!

God designed marriage perfectly. Then the fall happened.  Satan got between Adam and Eve and deceptively led the couple astray.  Since then, Satan, his demons, and mankind’s sin nature have been wreaking havoc on marriages.  Pride, selfishness, adultery, unforgiveness, and other sins have led to discontent, deep scars, struggles and divorce.  No marriage is without struggle.  But real hope is available.  God is Almighty.  We can look to Him and find the healing, growth, and victory we need.  The purpose of this ministry is to point couples to Christ so they can find in Him the support and strength every marriage needs to heal, grow, and experience joyous victory.

WHO? This is for YOU!

Everyone.  If you are single, engaged, newly married, have marital strife or your marriage is bliss this ministry is for you.  It will teach and reinforce the biblical purpose, roles, and practices that will arm you to prepare for, save, or enhance your marriage.  This is for YOU!

WHAT? This is a Bible-driven ministry.

  1. Biblical Testimony – God’s Word tells us to give testimony to God’s truth. At each seminar a couple will share their hardships, victories, and the biblical truth that kept their marriage going and growing.
  2. Biblical Celebration – God’s Word tells us that He who finds a wife finds a good thing! Marriage is meant to be a joy! With a fun game, prayer, and encouraging marital assignments we will celebrate what God has provided.
  3. Biblical Teaching – The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit. It has the power to pierce our heart with all the hard and encouraging truth that we need to succeed in marriage.
  4. Biblical Fellowship – The Holy Spirit also uses people to encourage and edify us. There will be small group discussions where we will be able to encourage one another.
  5. Biblical Service and Prayer – God calls us to serve, especially to serve our spouse. At this seminar there will be an opportunity to do that through essential words of encouragement and prayer.  For those who are not married there will be a tremendous opportunity to find advice and pray for your future spouse.


9-11:45am October 5th


First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids
9220 Kinneville Rd.,
Eaton Rapids, Michigan


Yes! We have an amazing team who have put together a wonderful children’s program. Food is provided and there is no cost for your child(ren) to attend.

Click Here to Register To Attend!

*Please get your registrations in by September 28, 2024 so we can properly plan for food and childcare!

The event is finished.


Oct 05 2024


9:00 am - 11:45 am

More Info

Register to Attend


First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids
Eaton Rapids, Mi