Doing what’s right in difficult times


On Saturday, a group of about a dozen men and women from FBC came together to help Doug and Kathy June move into their new home.  We prayed, worked, and ate together.  What became apparent to me as the day went on is how much I’ve missed being in fellowship with other believers.  Yes, there have been phone calls and Zoom meetings and YouTube church services, and we’ve tried to convince ourselves that it’s the same as physically meeting together, but it’s really not.  While the world is looking for it’s new normal, it’s time for the people of God to return to Biblical normal.
Before I continue, let me be very clear; the Corona Virus is real, and it continues to cause real suffering and death in both non-believers and believers.  In no way should this or any other communication from FBC be seen as an attempt to browbeat or arm-twist anyone into doing something they’re not comfortable with.  The leadership of the church is very aware that opinions differ greatly concerning this issue.  As the church slowly reopens, it’s up to each person to prayerfully consider their level of engagement.
I was excited to hear Dave Wood announce Sunday morning that next Sunday, May 24th, FBC will be holding a parking lot service.  Behind the scenes, I know a great deal of effort has already and continues to be put into this service.  Other area churches that are currently using the same technology have been helping. This promises to be a wonderful first step in our return to corporate, in-person, worship.
Come as You Are, but Stay in Your Car Parking Lot Service
First Baptist Church of Eaton Rapids
Sunday, May 24, 2020
While this is all exciting, do the plans outlined above comply with scripture?  Last week I asked that you pray for discernment for church leadership as we struggled with reconciling scriptures dealing with submission to authority (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2) with those scriptures calling for collective and corporate worship (Hebrews 10:24-25).  I believe those prayers have been answered.  The elders are in agreement on how to move forward.  Also, the section of the state executive order dealing with the exemption of religious organizations from penalty for meeting has been modified to include those traveling to and from services.  God, working through the authorities He has placed in power, is opening a pathway to corporate worship that is honoring to Him.
2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”  As we, as a church family, move from parking lot to lawn to sanctuary over the next several weeks, Be Encouraged, with your continued prayers, I am confident we can move forward in love, making decisions with godly wisdom and confidence.
Kurt Kowalk

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Elder Kurt Kowalk

Elder Kurt Kowalk