CO-OP FeedbackCO-OP Planning FormLet us know what would be most beneficial for your family!1st-3rd GradeFor those with children in 1st - 3rd grade (or will be next year)For 1st-3rd Grade, what 3 classes would you most like to see offered EACH year Science Art Missionary Studies or Some Christian Studies Physical Education Music A Rotation of Music, PE, Art (1 year music, 1 year PE, 1 year art) OtherPlease DescribeAnything else you'd like to share?4th-8th GradeFor those with children in 4th-8th grade (or will be eventually)Would you like a Science class offered each year for kids 4th-8th grade? Yes NoFor 4th-8th grades, what 3 classes would you most like to see offered next year Science Art Missionary Studies or Some Christian Studies Physical Education Intro to Sign Language OtherPlease DescribeAnything else you'd like to share?High School Rotation ScheduleFor those with children 9th-12th grade (or will be next year)For High School, what 2 classes would be of greatest benefit to you/your high school student in 2025. Another Science (Physics or Chemistry) Herbology 1/2 year Financial Management, 1/2 year Economics Physical Education Foreign Language (Sign Language or Spanish) OtherPlease DescribeSome Ideas that have been discussed to help current and upcoming High School parents with planning is for us to follow a 4 year rotation schedule with certain classes mapped out. For example: Year 1: Speech & BiologyYear 2: Anatomy & Government/CivicsYear 3: 1/2 Year Financial Management 1/2 year Economics & Foreign LanguageYear 4: Physical Education & High School ArtAssuming your child participates in CO-OP from 9th grade to 12th grade, if you could write out your ideal 4 year class schedule for Highschool CO-OP what would it be?Anything else you'd like to share?Full NameEmailSubmit Form