Words of Wisdom
Idle Hands
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world–the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life–is not of the Father but is of the world.(1…
Read MoreMissed Opportunities
On Friday morning at 8:30, I found myself heading for Sam’s Club to pick up groceries Carla had ordered for us.As we entered the parking lot, I let out a gasp of frustration as I saw a really long line of people waiting to go into the store. My first thought was to turn around…
Read MoreThe Mind of Christ
Paul’s letter to the Philippians is a book worth reading. In four chapters Paul gives us counsel, encouragement and direction to be the person God wants us to be, so we may daily experience His grace, mercy, and love. To have courage, humility and the power to be able to do things we never thought…
Read MoreVision is looking past the obstacles and embracing the possibilities
Having just completed a study of the book of John, I perceived a challenge for us at FBC by two events involving Peter before and after Jesus’ resurrection recorded in chapter 21 verses 15 -19. You know Peter, he’s the disciple who three times denied knowing Jesus while Jesus was being scourged and dying for…
Read MoreThings just keep getting worse and worse
Things just keep getting worse and worse. Have you ever thought that before? I was a junior high teacher for four years and one of my fellow teachers (who had been teaching for thirty years and wasn’t bitter) told me that her worst behaved student thirty years ago was comparable to her best-behaved student today. …
Read MoreProcrastinating
Its 10:10 am Monday April 24th. The due date for this elder insight. I’ve had a couple of fleeting thoughts about what I might put down but not a prayerful thought. So here it goes. Hmm, nothing. I’m not a true procrastinator but it does afflict me from time to time. It’s now 10:50 and…
Read MoreDeeper – March 6th, 2017
In this past week’s sermon, we saw Jesus do the unthinkable. Instead of being disgusted and rejecting a contagious leper he was moved with compassion, reached out to the leper, touched him and healed him. As everyone else was probably shouting frantically for the leper to get away and shuffling back in disgust and fear,…
Read MoreThe Source of True Wisdom
I want wisdom!! This is a constant prayer of mine. I want wisdom in raising my kids, being a husband, friend, and pastor. I want wisdom concerning God’s Word, fighting sin, and making choices. No matter our age, experiences, or knowledge we all need wisdom. Even in the things we know best or better than…
Read MoreGod’s Sovereignty in Suffering
This past Sunday we were in Mark 1:29-39. In this passage, we saw Jesus demonstrate his authority over the physical and the spiritual. He healed Peter’s mother-in-law right after the Sabbath service and later that evening the people of Capernaum brought to him masses of sick people and the demon oppressed and he healed them…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Feb. 27th, 2017
Serve with your words! So often when I think of serving God in a great way I think of going on a dangerous mission’s trip, preaching till I faint, or eradicating the financial burdens of others until I am financially burdened myself. I think in very radical terms and there is nothing wrong with that. …
Read MoreElder’s Insights – Feb. 24th, 2017
Loving God’s People – Dean Peters Last evening Carleen and I were sitting in our four seasons room when she asked, what is that out there? A fox? I looked out to the field and sure enough it was a fox. He was snacking on what appeared to be a mouse. Foxes are not permanent…
Read MoreDeeper – Feb. 21st, 2017
This past Sunday we were in Mark 1:21-28 and saw Jesus exercise his matchless authority concerning truth and the spiritual realm. He entered into the synagogue in Capernaum, cracked open the Scriptures and spoke with authority. He didn’t offer viewpoints. No, as God, he presented the view, truth. And whenever truth is proclaimed falsehood raises…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Feb. 20th, 2017
AM I EVER GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS? Sometimes, no matter how much we try, it can feel like we are just grinding through life and always will. Like that good string of days, months or even a couple year’s is never going to come. It’s just always going to be miserable. If anyone ever…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Jan. 30th, 2017
WHY ARE YOU SUCH A FLAKE? Have you ever thought that? Maybe someone has forgotten about a meeting with you. Maybe someone promised they would come support you and never showed. We’ve all been there. And dare I say, we’ve all been a flake at some point. It is such an awful feeling when you…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Jan. 16th, 2017
The prevalence of sexual sin in our culture today is off the charts. You can’t even go on a general news website without some sexually charged article being thrust into your face. It saturates the television and is beyond easy to access in this technologically driven world. And what’s worse than its prevalence is its…
Read MoreDeeper – Jan. 16th, 2017
This past Sunday we were reminded of just how good the good news of Jesus Christ really is in Mark 1:1-8. And in that reminder, we were introduced to John the Baptist who viewed Jesus Christ as the ultimate news. And while we observed John the Baptist view of Christ we came across some interesting…
Read MoreDeeper – Jan. 3rd, 2017
This past week we finished our series in the book of Jonah. In Jonah 4 we got to see God’s grace poured out on Jonah all the more. Right after the people of Nineveh repented and God relented from the disaster they earned, Jonah was irate. The literal translation of Jonah 1:1 is, “It was…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Dec. 27th, 2016
2017 IS ALMOST HERE!! As the new year approaches I usually make a list of all the things I would like to accomplish. Yeah, I am one of those people. I love to set goals and go for it. And no, I am usually not one of those people who say they are going to…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – Dec. 16th, 2016
What determines whether or not a person is valuable. Is it physical beauty or ability? Is it a bank number or assets? Is it a specific personality or quirk? Is it who they know or what they know? Why should we care for other individuals or look at ourselves and never see ourselves as worthless…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – November 22nd, 2016
Hope is a vital ingredient for a worthwhile life. Just stop and think about life if there was no hope, nothing to look forward to. Imagine being in school with no hope that the lunch or final bell would finally ring. Imagine having a child with no hope that changing diapers stage would ever end.…
Read MoreDeeper – November 16th, 2016
This past Sunday we went through Philippians 4:20-23 and saw Paul end this letter of joy just as he started it in Phil. 1:1-2, with grace. In verse 20 Paul praise our mighty God and then in verse 21 Paul graciously greeted everyone in the church. Not just his click, the people who haven’t hurt…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – November 16th, 2016
IT’S PAYDAY! Growing up this meant food was in the refrigerator again, there were snacks in the cupboards and either pizza was for dinner or ice cream was for dessert. Payday is almost always a good day except when you get less than what you were expecting or have outstanding bills that suck you dry…
Read MoreA Fear Based Culture
Our culture is saturated with fear. Fear or what our government is going to do to this country. Fear of what people think of us. Fear of what man can do to us. Proverbs 29:25a says, “The fear of man brings a snare.” That is so true. It brings needless worry, sleepless nights, terrible…
Read MoreDeeper – November 7th, 2016
In the past sermon on Philippians 4:10-20, we saw how we can replace our drama (drawing a ridiculous amount of attention on our incapability instead of God’s capability and making fools of ourselves) with joyful maturity when we practice what we preach, restrain our imagination, exercise contentment in Christ and sacrificially give like Christ. And…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – November 1st, 2016
I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! I say this so often. Whether it’s in how to raise my kids, be a good husband, do my job, deal with family issues or be a good witness life is a challenge. And right when I think I’ve got it all figured out life pops my prideful bubble…
Read MoreDeeper – November 1st, 2016
This past Sunday we went through Philippians 4:2-9. And in this passage, we saw seven antidotes or seven powerful ways to combat the poison of disunity: getting passed our fear and addressing it (4:2), discernment (4:3), a longing for restoration (4:3), divine confidence (4:4), reasonable prayer (4:5-7), never losing sight of God’s blessings (4:8) and…
Read MoreElder Insights – October 25th, 2016
“The Devil Made Me Do It” Have you ever used this phrase when caught in a slip up or an actual sin? I suspect its origin may be traced back to the Garden of Eden. Do we think that the devil really did make us do something or are we being flippant? Hmmm flippant, makes…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – October 25th, 2016
Whether you’re being disciplined or you have to discipline someone, it is difficult. Even when you deserve it or know its right to give it discipline isn’t easy. Every time my three-year-old son, John, misbehaves he either gives me the sweetest smile or throws in that sad lower lip and makes it so difficult. I…
Read MoreBe Encouraged – October 3rd, 2016
Have you ever just wanted to put a bag over your head you were so embarrassed? Whether it’s from tripping over myself, failing at a sports event, or stumbling over my words, I have embarrassed myself more times than I can count. By far, however, the moments that have been the most embarrassing is when…
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