Together We Pray
Our Year of Focus on Prayer
1 Thessalonians 5:17 calls all who follow Jesus to “pray without ceasing” and it is our commitment and desire to obey this wonderful command for God's glory. Starting in May 2023 and on into the following year, we are going to be preaching on, reading about, writing about and gathering in prayer as often as we can . It is our hope that as we prioritize this focus - individual, family, and church-wide God-pleasing prayer becomes more and more abundant in all of our lives.
Below are listings of several books, blogs, and events that we encourage you to read and participate in in hopes that God will use it to grow you in your commitment to prayer.
Books on Prayer
Prayer Blog

The Grace of Heard Prayers
Today in my devotions I was in the book of Psalms and Psalm 8:1 jumped out at me. It reads,“be gracious to me and hear my prayer.” and thenPsalm 115:3 says, “Our God is in the heavens; He does all that He pleases.” Isn’t it amazing that our God, the everlasting king and creator of the…

Before God Answers Your Prayer
Recently in Men’s Bible Study we went over the first twenty verses of 1 Samuel. The main focus of the passage was on Hannah and how in response to her grief, she took all her anxiety and vexation to God through prayer. There is something very interesting in this passage of Scripture. After Hannah prayed,…

Do we take prayer as seriously as we should?
We have all heard the famous words of Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty or give me death.” Those words resonate deeply with us because we grip our freedoms with resolute passion. One of the many reasons the pandemic was so hard was because many felt like their freedoms were being snatched away. America was founded…

Praying in Hard Times
About a year ago when I seriously started exploring becoming an elder, I never expected to be involved in the details of doing church during a pandemic. Trying to reconcile scriptures dealing with submission to authority (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2) with those scriptures calling for collective and corporate worship (Hebrews 10:24-25) have led…
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting is a special time for us as a body to come together to pray over the needs of our church and community.
The evening starts promptly at 7pm and kicks off with a time of silent prayer in confession of personal sin. This is followed by a time of hymn singing and a time of scripture reading. After this, we break into groups and pray over the needs that have been listed out from the prior week.
Once the groups are finished, ( about 7:45pm) we gather one final time in the Sanctuary to do a final prayer of blessing and group prayer over anyone who might need extra prayer that week and then conclude with a singing of the doxology.

All ages are invited and encouraged to participate. Children are encouraged to pray aloud alongside their groups. We count it an incredible blessing to allow children to participate in and bear witness to the heartfelt prayers of others in the congregation. We hope you will make plans to join us and make this time a regularly scheduled part of your week.